But there are some 3rd party soundsets out there that sound great, so I went for it, but then found the catch… Whilst the Wavestate Native has an import capability, the OPSIX native currently does not!!! I am only hopeful that that is soon remedies, so my OPSIX purchase is not wasted - well I could always learn to program it myself as well of course. I downloaded the demo and found most of the presets quite underwhelming. Korg Wavestate - what have I done : r/synthesizers by masterofsockpuppet Somehow, FM synthesis feels easy to program by contrast. easily and fits neatly into any stage, studio, or desktop setup. I will always keep a hardware wavestate (preferably the 5 octave SE when it finally comes out), but the soft version allows me to run several performances if needed at the same time (one in hardware, one or more in software), as I simply love the Wavestate. KORGs legendary Wavestation introduced the world to Wave Sequencing, transforming raw. Korg Wavestate Wave Sequencing Digital Keyboard Synthesizer. KORG R&D created the original Wavestation, co-created the OASYS and Kronos, and has developed fundamental technologies behind many other KORG instruments. We offer free shipping, extended warranty, & 45 day guarantee. I have imported my sound libraries from the hardware into the native version and I can hear no difference. This Headliner desktop synth stand supports three of your favorite synths, controllers. Order Korg wavestate 37-Key Wave Sequencing Digital Synthesizer at American Musical Supply. The Wavestate was a no brainer as it only cost me $45 as a hardware wavestate owner. Well, I pulled the trigger and went for the Wavestate and OPSIX native.