Blizzard has filed a lawsuit against World of Warcraft`s largest and arguably best private server, Nostalrius. Many people prefer private servers because of the better gaming and gaming experience. You can play the game World of Warcraft on the official Blizzard server or on a private WoW server. You can play the game online by downloading the game client for free. You don`t have to pay anything to play MMOG online. Answer: Most private WoW servers are free. MMAPS and VMAPS are data analyzed from the client, but generate output data with the client`s data. Database data, MMAPS, VMAPS, etc., are all self-generated and not extracted directly from clients. “The files are protected by copyright and it is illegal to download them.” Which is not true at all. This usually has 6 elements: They do not provide server software, so using server software is illegal. At the very least, it becomes an interference with tort liability, also known as tort deficiency. Because they facilitate (incite players) to violate EULA/UGC. But let`s say the private server operator never played the original game and never signed the EULA/TOS.